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Why do I need a Garage clean out service?

Reginald Prevail • Sep 20, 2022

As homeowners, we're always looking for ways to save money. We might ask ourselves, “Why do I need a garage clean out service?” 

When we let our spare junk and “treasures” get out of hand and overflow out of our home and into our garage, junk removal is not typically something we're proud of. The last thing we want to do is invite a group of strangers to help sort through it. 

Why is it that every time we go out to start cleaning the garage, we end up getting sidetracked playing with something some junk we forgot we had? We've all been there. It's easy to procrastinate and find ways to push our garage cleanout off. When we hire a professional garage cleanout service, it helps us stay focused and to start organizing the mess. 

The number one thing we need to do if we plan on cleaning our garage is to set aside enough time. We might even break it down into sections and go at it a little bit of the time. Weekend by weekend, we can chip away at the junk removal in each designated area. 

Soon we will probably notice that the spot we've already cleaned is filling up with more clutter while we're working on another. It feels like we're taking one step forward and two steps back. 

It’s best to put our pride aside and take comfort in knowing the average house in America is 2500 square feet. Over 50% of those homes have a garage used as storage. Junk removal is normal. 

Maybe we just want to park our car in the garage. Perhaps we plan on using the room for organizing and storing our valuables or collections. It's easy to give up on our dreams of space when it's full of clutter. Where do we even start with a garage cleanout? A garage cleaning service is the answer.

We can call a garage cleanout service and schedule a free estimate. While they are present, don't forget to ask about
attic cleanouts as well to save money on the same trip. Once we know that a crew of garage cleanout specialists is coming, it can help to get us in gear. There are preparations we should make before a garage cleanout service shows up.

How to prepare for a garage clean out service

Deciding to have a garage cleanout day is one thing. Spending a weekend cleaning out the garage is another. It's going to take dedication and commitment to get this done. 

The clutter in the garage can sneak up on us seemingly out of nowhere, but we have to focus. When we are ready for help, these are the top three things we can do to help prepare for a garage clean out service. 

1. Schedule time for this project. Junk removal has to be complete. We need to make the time to do it. It can be finished in a weekend, if not a single day if we plan on hiring the help of a garage clean out service.

There are a few other things that we need to do before the professionals arrive. It might be best to do a bit of sorting before they show up. If we don't already have walkways through the garage, it is probably a good idea to provide the crew with some room to work.

2. Make a plan for the garage cleanout service team. We don't want anyone confused about where to start the junk removal during arrival. We should have an idea of what and where everything is going.

The last thing we want to do is surprise the hired help with furniture too large to move. We also don't want them scrambling with awkward equipment or appliances.

Anything that can be boxed or put into containers should be. Large furniture needs disassembling. We should try anything that we can to help make the job easy for the garage clean-out service.

3. Organizing and dividing the items into different piles can be a  real time-saver. We should make designated areas for all the stuff in our garage. We can use boxes or even just tarps laid out in the yard. We can then label these piles as KEEP and DONATE. 

We can throw away any trash as we go. This is when the
junk removal process can get touchy. It can be hard to get rid of things that are sentimental to us. It’s a good idea to make a time limit for unused objects. For example, if you haven't used something for an entire year, it's probably safe to get rid of it.

The Benefits Of A Garage Clean-Out Service

We can all let clutter get out of hand sometimes. Our garage is a common place for us to put our overflow storage. 

We might want to park our car in its parking spot. Perhaps we're hoping to build a man cave. The garage is a great place to store items as long as we have it set up right. 

We can get started immediately by calling a garage clean out service. Sometimes we just need a little help to keep us motivated on junk removal. Once we have made the garage cleanout call, our minds can focus on what we truly intended the space to be. 

Often when a home is purchased as is, the garage is already full of somebody else's junk. Whether we just want to trash it or pull it out to go through, a garage cleanout service can help us with all the painstaking and
back-breaking labor of junk removal

With the garage clear, we can deep clean the floors and walls from any built-up grease and dust. A cleared-out garage is a perfect time to add anything that could increase the functionality of the space. A lot of us like to make our garage one of a kind. 

Innovative Waste Management Group can take the burden of cleaning your garage if you live in Virginia Beach, Virginia, or the surrounding areas. Their team of garage cleanout and junk removal service specialists is dedicated to the Virginia Beach Community. 

Innovative Waste can take all the stress and labor out of our garage cleaning nightmare. They can even offer innovative solutions to help make our garage more efficient. And, don't forget about other areas of your home. The team can also
haul away old hot tubs, and more!

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